The office of Rep. Dean is excited to partner with students in their civic engagement. We encourage students to explore some of the ways that we can work together!


The office of Congresswoman is pleased to offer paid internships in both our district and Washington DC offices. Internships generally last 10 weeks and run during the spring, summer, and fall seasons.

Applicants must be 18 years of age. To learn more about this internship, or to apply, please visit our website here.

App Competition:

Officially launched in 2015, this competition is a nationwide event intended to engage students’ creativity and encourage their participation in STEM fields. This competition allows students to compete with peers in their own district by creating and exhibiting their software application (AKA Apps).

This Competition takes place every Fall and Last year’s winner can be viewed here. For additional details, you can visit

Art Competition:

Each spring, our office participated in a nation-wide high school arts competition.

The Artistic Discovery Contest is open to all high school students in our District. The winning artwork of our district's competition will be displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol. The exhibit in Washington will include the winning artwork from all participating districts from around the country. See here for more details and submissions from past year winners.

Congressional Award:

The Congressional Award provides opportunities for young people to unleash their potential by achieving personal goals focused on volunteerism, character development, and fitness. The Congressional Award is the United States Congress’ award for young Americans. It is non- partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive.

The program is open to all youth in the US between the ages of 14 and 24 For the most in-depth look at the program from start to finish, read the program book. If interested, Students can apply here.