Lowering Costs for You

Over the past few years, we have seen significant increases in gas, groceries, rent, and other goods that are essential to everyday living. As the lingering effects of COVID-19 remain, no one should have to choose between filling up a tank of gas or your weekly grocery purchases. As we continue to grapple with global uncertainty due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, supply-chain issues, and pandemic recovery, my colleagues and I are working to address these issues and relieve some of the burden our constituents are feeling. 

That's why I voted to secure American supply chains,  lower food costs, boost U.S. manufacturing, and reduce dependence on foreign oil, and ensure more products and jobs created here in America

To that effect, please take a moment to review these resources that may be available to you, as well as some of the legislative action we have been working on to stabilize our economy.

Gas, Groceries, and Housing and more:

Help at the Pump:

Families need relief at the gas pump. That’s why I advocated and supported the Administration's release of millions of barrels of oil to bring down gas prices -- and I’ll keep doing everything I can to push for more progress.

Find Cheaper Gas:

Help with Groceries:

We also have to stop corporations from taking advantage of this situation and raising prices on everything from chicken to hamburgers. To protect constituents from these bad practices, My collegueas and I passed The Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act, which will increase competition in the meat and poultry sector, lower operating costs for farmers that will, in turn, lower food costs for consumers, and boost the production of American-made biofuels to bring down prices at the pump

  • Shop Simple with MyPlate App: The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s smart phone app may be able to help you find healthy food savings in your area and prepare budget friendly meals.
  • Food Assistance: You may qualify for help to put food on the table

Help with Housing:


Pennsylvania has received $350 million through the federal Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) to help homeowners struggling with mortgage payments due to the pandemic. On January 6th, the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund, or PAHAF, announced that it will be accepting applications for mortgage assistance beginning February 1. Find out more here: https://pahaf.org/ 

Additional Homeowner Resources:


Congress has passed $46 billion in emergency rental assistance, and our communities have programs distributing this funding now.  If you are seeking emergency rental, utility, or mortgage assistance, please refer to the following local programs:

  • Montgomery County: residents who have experienced a COVID hardship and are in need of rent and/or utility assistance should call 2-1-1 or text their zip code to 898-211. They can also visit Your Way Home to learn more.
  • Norristown Mortgage, and Utility Assistance - Home Improvement Program (ERMUA) 
  • Berks County: Contact the Berks County Coalition to End Homelessness at 610-372-7222 or visit the Berks county website at here.

Additional Federal Resources and Info:


  • Internet: Your household may be eligible to receive a monthly discount on a new or existing internet service plan with the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

  • Heating Costs:  The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps families living on low incomes pay their heating bills in the form of a cash grant. This program is currently closed for the summer but will repopen in the fall. 

Help with Healthcare

Find Affordable Health Insurance: Open enrollment on the health insurance marketplace may currenlt have ended, but many may still qualify for coverage under some conditions, such as a new child or other circumstances.

Coverage may be more affordable than you think. The American Rescue Plan law that I voted for is delivering tax cuts to lower premiums for people who buy their own health insurance. It can save the average household in our district $3,800 a year in premiums.

Help with Surprise Medical Bills: I helped pass a new bipartisan law to ban surprise medical billing, which is now in effect. There are now tools you can use to protect yourself if you think you got a bill that’s contrary to the new law. 

Children’s Health Insurance Program: Affordable and quality health coverage for children or teens.
Community Health Centers: People can access several different local health centers for the care they need, including those who are uninsured or underinsured.

Help for Seniors

Help with Housing:

  • Property Tax Rent Rebate program: The rebate program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older.

Help with Medicare and Health Care:

  • PACE and PACENET: Pennsylvania's prescription assistance programs for older adults offers low-cost prescription medication to qualified residents, age 65 and older. The program works with Medicare Part D plans and other prescription drug plans
  • Lower Prescription Drug Costs: If you’re on Medicare, help may be available to lower the cost of your medicines.
  • Medicare Savings Programs: This may help you pay for premiums and other expenses.
  • Contact My Office: In addition, our team is here to help you if you’re having issues with Medicare.

Help with Social Security:

Help for Students/Graduates

Student Financial Aid: