WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Madeleine Dean spoke forcefully about Attorney General Barr’s recent actions.
“Over the past several weeks, Attorney General Barr has misled the public about the contents and findings of the Mueller report, misled Congress about his own contacts with Mueller, and offered nonsensical defenses of the President’s obstruction of justice. His failure to appear before the House Judiciary Committee today is yet another example of his – and this administration’s – contempt for the rule of law and our constitutional system of checks and balances. William Barr can no longer be trusted, and we will see him in Court.”
“In the meantime, we look forward to hearing from Special Counsel Mueller himself,” Rep. Dean continued. “In his report, Mr. Mueller made it clear that he was prohibited from indicting the President by an obscure Justice Department rule: he also sought to ensure that Congress took up the baton and fully investigated the President’s actions. The Judiciary is now doing so – as well as investigating the President’s misdeeds in a variety of areas that exceeded the scope of the Mueller investigation. While the administration appears willing to do whatever it takes to obscure the truth, Congress will ensure that the facts see the light of day. Our democratic institutions depend on it.”
Rep. Dean concluded, “President Lincoln’s words should be our guide: ‘Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty….’”
Contact: Matt Bieber, 202-569-2879