WASHINGTON On Friday, Rep. Dean introduced H.R. 868, the Education for New Dispositions on Stigma (END Stigma) Act. According to the Recovery Research Institute, “Illicit drug use disorder is the most stigmatized health condition in the world.” The END Stigma Act establishes a university grant program to educate students on substance use disorder treatment options. 

“Substance use disorder is a disease that impacts almost every family I know, yet there is so much stigma attached to this illness,” said Rep. Dean. “We need to start looking at this issue as the disease that it is. Once we can eliminate the stigma for those struggling with substance use disorder, we can focus on treatment and recovery.”

Through the END Stigma Act, higher education institutions will be awarded grants to develop programs to:

  1. Educate students suffering with substance use disorder on their treatment options 

  2. Reduce the stigma with respect to substance use disorder

  3. Refer students to substance use disorder treatment providers and facilities 


Rep. Madeleine Dean is a mother, grandmother, attorney, professor, former four-term member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and U.S. Representative for the Fourth District of Pennsylvania.